Student Support
Paston College provides outstanding support for students to help them succeed and achieve their ambitions.
Personal tutors
All students have a personal tutor who will help you settle in and support you throughout your time at College. Tutors are a vital part of your College experience and you will see them both in group sessions and on a one to one basis.
Their role is to support your progress towards your own personal targets. They will provide you with personal development opportunities and help you on your journey to university level study, apprenticeships or employment.
Our College provides a safe, positive and supportive environment for all students. We ensure that all students feel valued and can learn and progress in a secure environment.
Our wellbeing team is here to help you fulfil your potential and maximise your physical and mental wellbeing. The team offers support with any health or wellbeing problem.
Contact the Wellbeing team directly at wellbeing@ccn.ac.uk.
Educuction Support Work
The Education Support Work (ESW) team work with Looked After Children, Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children, Care Leavers and Young Carers.
The ESW team work with students to ensure that they get the support they need during their educational journey at the college. The ESW team can help students to focus on their attendance, attainment and progression.
You can contact the team at esw@ccn.ac.uk.
The Study Skills Centre and learning support
If you require additional support with your studies, you will find help in the Study Skills Centre. This is a quiet and supportive working environment where students can study alone, work within small groups or work one to one with a member of the Additional Support Team.
It is open during college hours and it is well equipped with computers, desks for group work and staff available to give advice and support to you. Additional support may be available to you for a short period of time or for the duration of your studies at college.
For students who require and receive a weekly one to one support sessions, a programme of study is agreed with targets set. These are reviewed at regular intervals and shared with teachers to ensure that the student is receiving the most appropriate help.
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Paston College is passionate about supporting students with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities. We offer a range of support services to help you while you are studying with us. Whether you have any specialist needs, or you would just like some help with your work.
Our specialist staff will ensure that effective and appropriate support provision is allocated to students requiring assistance with accessing their academic studies. Once you have applied to study at Paston you will receive a letter from the support team, which invites you to return the slip requesting contact from the Specialist Advisor team.
When this slip is received an Advisor will make contact with you to identify areas of support needed. You can also email our SENCo and share your EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) sen@ccn.ac.uk